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This painting is unique and original and was painted entirely by me. The hull forms are based on black and white sketches by Wm. Van de Velde, and the sail form, rigging and background detail were composed by me.


Constant Reformation of 1634. This scene depicts General Blake (in the St. George) attacking renogade Prince Rupert in the Constant Reformation at the mouth of the river Tagus in 1650.

The Constant Reformation was an early Stuart ship. She was the flagship of Prince Rupert during the English Civil war (1642 to 1648). She was built as a 32 gun 4th Rater and eventually foundered in the Atlantic in 1651. The other vessel representing the St. George might be the Lion, as no sketches exist of the St George, except one drawn 40 years later and even then she was shown with the beakhead cut off.







Fore and main topmasts of the Constant Reformation

Cross and Harp jack and masting of General B;ake's ship

Stern detail of the St. George

Hull detail of Constant Reformation