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This painting is unique and original and was painted entirely by me. The hull form was compiled from a black and white sketch by Wm. Van de Velde, and the sail form, rigging and background detail were composed by me.


de Zeven Provincien of 1665. Flagship of admiral De Ruyter.

De Zeven Provincien of 1665 was the flagship of Admiral De Ruyter in the 2nd Anglo-Dutch war. She was present at the Four Days Battle (June 1666), the St James Day Battle (July 1666), and the Medway Raid (1666) during the 2nd Anglo-Dutch war, and in the 3rd Anglo-Dutch war the Battle of Solebay (May 1672), the 1st and 2nd Battle of Schveningen, the Battle of Texel (August 1673) and finally the Battles of Barfleur and La Hague.  She was broken up in 1694 following heavy battle damage.

Zeven Provincien hull details

Mainmast flags