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This painting is unique and original and was painted entirely by me. The hull form of Brederode was compiled from a black and white sketch by Wm. Van de Velde, and the sail form, rigging and background detail were composed by me.


de Brederode of 1645

De Brederode was launched in Rotterdam 1644 and was commanded by Witte de With from 1645 to 1647 and later commanded by Maarten Tromp in 1652. She was present at the Battle of Kentish Knock (October 1652), Battle of Dungerness (December 1652),  Battle of Portland (February 1653), Battle of the Gabbard (June 1653), 2nd Battle of Schveningen (June 1673). She was lost in the Battle of the Sound under the command of Witte de With when supporting Danish forces in the war against Sweden in 1658. She grounded and was burnt before being overwhelmed.

Brederode Aft hull quarter

Activety on the fore deck