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1938 BSA Silver Star 350cc - see the original at the National MC Museum, Solihull.

This painting is unique and original and was painted entirely by me. The motorcycle was photographed at the National Motorcycle Museum at Birmingham and the background of a scene in Bath (by the Twerton Arch) added afterwards. The registration number can be added to suit at no extra cost, but will take a week to implement. It took 64.5 hours to paint and is priced at £1,200. Postage is £45 max.



This motorcycle image was taken at the National Motorcycle Museum in Solihull, Birmingham and I added a suitable background. No registration details are available, leaving the image incomplete. Can anyone out there help me to complete this painting? If you ever owned a BSA Silver Star,  preferably a 1938 model, or know of someone who did, and you can remember the registration details, would you please let me know the details, and I will use the number to complete the painting. Email details and my phone number are on the CONTACT page.