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1935 Ariel Square Four 600cc - see the original at the National MC Museum, Solihull.

This painting is unique and original and was painted entirely by me. The motorcycle was seen at the National Motorcycle Museum in Solihull, Birmingham. The registration number can be added as required at no extra cost, but will take a week to implement. It took 76 hours to paint and is priced at £1,200. Postage is £45 max.

Ariel Square Four tank and upper fork details

The 600cc engine clearly showing the camshaft drive enclosure

1935 Ariel Square Four 600cc. The engine format was designed by Edward Turner in 1928 and bought by Ariel. The design was basically two parallel twin crankshafts geared together under a common cylinder head and manufactured from 1932. Early engines suffered from rear cylinder over-heating, a fault corrected in 1953 by incorporating a 4 pipe exhaust system replacing the original twin shared exhaust ports. At this point in time, the engine was increased in size to 993cc.

This motorcycle image was taken at the National Motorcycle Museum in Solihull, Birmingham. No registration details are available, leaving the image incomplete. Can anyone out there help me to complete this painting? If you ever owned an Ariel 600cc Square Four preferably a 1932 model, or know of someone who did, and you can remember the registration details, would you please let me know the details, and I will use the number to complete the painting. Email details and my phone number are on the CONTACT page. - Motorcycle Art – Bike Paintings – Classic and Famous British Motorcycle Images – Oil Paint on Canvas – Commissions Undertaken – Original Artwork - Paintings for Sale - Black and White Images Painted – AJS through to Vincent