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This painting is unique and original and painted entirely by me. The hull’s 3D form was created using my own projection methodology from 2D plans and the background details were composed by me. PLEASE NOTE the Links are in the Titles and NOT the Images. Last updated in May 2022.


IJN battleship Yamato in 1945. (awaiting upgraded image)

IJN Yamato was laid down in 1937 at the Kure Naval Dockyard and commissioned in 1941. Sister of the Musashi and despite being the most powerful battleships of WW2 they played no decisive role in the Pacific naval war. Musashi was converted to an aircraft carrier in 1943. Yamato was sent on a suicide mission to Okinawa in April 1943 – she was to beach herself and be employed as battle fort. Unfortunately on this voyage she was spotted by USS submarine who related her position to a USS Carrier Battle group. The aircraft intercepted and sunk her after a long but one sided duel. An excellent account of her last moments are described in the book by Yoshida Mitsuru “Requiem for Battleship Yamato”

AWaiting close up image


Awaiting close up image - Maritime Art – Ship Paintings – Capital Ship Images – Oil Paint on Stretched Canvas – Commissions Undertaken – Original Artwork - Paintings for Sale – British, American and Japanese Navies – Ships of WW2 – Battleships and Cruisers