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My name is Steve Lucas, and I am a design engineer by trade. My major dicipline is in airframe structures design. My first encounter with paint was in Singapore at the age of about 5. The Parents were repainting the bungalow, and, naturally, they stopped work for a "lunchtime O booze", leaving the pots of paint and brushes within reach of small children. That was too good an opportunity to be missed for sister and myself, and when parents returned from their "lunch" they found two of their kids in the last throws of literally painting one another. I can't remember the hours of scrubbing down our skin with white spirits, or the colours we used, but for sure, as dad was in the army, the colours available would have been variations on tropical vehicle camouflage. Now sister paints people and animals, and I do the boys things. So folks, if you want your kids to grow up with a artistic leaning, you know what to do ........